Sunday, August 5, 2012

Visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house

A visit to the science museum.

Sharing some candy with Grandpa.

Their edition of the nightly news was very entertaining.

Learning about dinosaurs.

They weren't quite sure what to think about the mummy.  Very cool, but kinda scary too.  Alex wanted to wake the mummy with a good, loud scream.

Watching the orangutan at the Como Zoo.

It was a bit warm that morning, it was nice to get a cool break inside and watch the bears swim.

Waiting for Sparky the Sea Lion. 

Walking the dogs around the lake. 

Family visit in Fargo and Maple Lake

We visited the Gregoire's cabin at Maple Lake to see much of the family.  It didn't take long for the kids to get there feet wet.

Jacob took control of the beach.

Tyler took Jacob out on his first jet ski ride.

It takes a lot to get Alex to relax, apparently the hammock was just too inviting.

Jacob sliding off the dock.  He loves diving now!

Jacob discovered how to relax and stay in the water.

A watermelon feed with Chase and Cole. 

All out for an evening boat ride.  Lucas is in there somewhere. 

Chillin' at Uncle Brian's house.

What's wrong with waking up at 5:30?

Lunchtime at Chuck E. Cheese.  The kids had a blast.