Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Christmas 2012

We spent Christmas with Mom at Brian and Kristin's in Fargo, we had a great time.  

After being cooped up during the Vikings game, the kids had to get outside and play for a bit.

I think you can calculate how many calories were burned up by tallying all the tracks in the backyard!

Jacob decided to tempt fate and create a snow angel in Cooper's 'zone of influence'.

It was a very chilly day, you can tell by Jacob's rosy cheeks, and Brian's goofy hat.

But still all smiles.

Everybody donning their new PJs from Grandma.

Uncle Brian got the boys some new archery equipment which they love.

Presents galore.

Lucas is not ashamed to play in a princess castle.

Brian fulfilling his uncle duties by giving Jacob a wet willie.

A rare moment of silence.

Santa made a good stop at home too.

Even the dogs got some new treats.

Jacob with a stocking stuffer.  He sure likes to be goofy.

Alex's Birthday Party

We had Alex's birthday party at the YMCA in Aberdeen.  I didn't get much for pictures as I was on lifeguard duty most of the afternoon.

Here is the cake I made for him, he's really into the Angry Birds!  And yes, I almost misspelled Birthday with the finishing touches of gel.  

This isn't the YMCA they had when I was a kid, a pretty impressive swim area for the kids.  Alex has pretty much mastered the lily pads.  

Jacob was the only one tall enough to go on the big slide, and I think he was okay with that!

Anxious for cake.