Sunday, April 14, 2013

A salute from the snows of South Dakota

Winter Fun

I took the boys ice fishing, the sun was pretty intense!

Our mobile fishing unit, excluding the mule to pull the cart (me).

Gotta love it.

We had some good sledding on a hill in Aberdeen.  Could've used a bit more snow on this day, though.

Jacob playing in a snowstorm.

Pretty cozy!

We built this fort last week with another fresh batch of snow.  

We attended an easter program at the nursing home.

Not too sure about that easter bunny.

Jacob's Birthday Party

On the day of Jacob's birthday party, his hockey league had a fun day for all the kids as a reward for their hard work.  Here's Jacob as a bowling ball on the ice.

Pretty good at limbo on the ice, too.

The hockey program in Aberdeen is expanding rapidly, as seen by the huge 'Termite League'.

It was a good season, hopefully he wants to do it again next year.

We had Jacob's party at the bowling alley, with a lot of kids.

Lots of fun!

Here's the cake I made for Jacob, he's into "Sonic the Hedgehog".

He still gets bashful when we sing Happy Birthday.