Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goose Hunting 2012

I took Jacob out goose hunting.  It's amazing how much easier it is to wake this kid up at 5:00 am on a Saturday, than at 6:30 am on a Tuesday.

Here's Jacob waiting for the birds, watching a beautiful sunrise.

Our morning hunt didn't go very well, but Jacob was very patient.

Snack time in the field.

We tried another spot that evening, and had much better success.  Jacob was very excited after the first bird.

He even started fetching the birds for me after I dropped them, very cool. 

We had a fantastic evening, and even had more birds come in as I was taking this photo.

Here's Max and Molly after Max's first grouse hunt.  It is impossible to tire this dog out. 

There was a hockey open house at the ice center in Aberdeen.  I took Jacob to see if he'd be interested in a league.

Jacob learning to skate with help from some older players.

After watching Jacob fall on his butt for a while, Alex was convinced he could do that too. 

Needless to say, Jacob loved it.  So, he should be playing hockey by the end of the year.  Alex might have to wait a bit longer, but he's anxious to get out there.

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