Sunday, December 9, 2012

Random Fall Photos from 2012

Halloween 2012 was a blast.  They were very excited.

Alex preferred to color his so he wouldn't have to scoop out the goo. 

Even batman needs a well deserved break.

I took the boys out to practice with the old Red Ryder BB gun. They both did very well.

Max's first successful pheasant hunt.  It's been pretty tough since then, but there's still a bit of time to get out.

I got Jacob and both dogs out on a nice foggy duck hunt.

A pretty successful morning.  I can't wait until next year when Alex will be able to join us.
King Alex creates with Play-Doh.

They want to learn chess, but usually use the chess pieces to play checkers instead.

Alex learns how the sausage is made, and luckily isn't mortified.  

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